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Family Pendants

SKU # 2TFP 2-2

2T family 2 adults and 2 children sized

 Wholesale $268.00

 Retail        $536.00

 Prices in Canadian

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2 adults & 2 children

SKU # 2TFP 1-3

2T family 4 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $268.00

 Retail        $536.00

 Prices in Canadian

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four people

SKU # 2TFP 1-2

2T fam 3 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $268.00

 Retail        $536.00

 Prices in Canadian

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three people

SKU # 2TFP 1-1

2T Fam 2 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $248.00

 Retail        $496.00

 Prices in Canadian

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two people

SKU # 2TFP 2-3

2T fam 5 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $268.00

 Retail        $536.00

 Prices in Canadian

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five people

SKU # 2TFP 2-1

2T fam 2 adults 1 chail sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $258.00

 Retail        $516.00

 Prices in Canadian

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2 adults & 1 child

SKU # FP 1-3

fam 4 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $152.00

 Retail        $236.00

 Prices in Canadian

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four people

SKU # FP 1-2

fam 3 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $152.00

 Retail        $236.00

 Prices in Canadian

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three people

SKU # FP 2-1

2 adults 1 child sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $152.00

 Retail        $236.00

 Prices in Canadian

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2 adults 1 child

SKU # FP 1-1

fam 2 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $152.00

 Retail        $236.00

 Prices in Canadian

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two people

SKU # FP 2-3

5 people sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $152.00

 Retail        $236.00

 Prices in Canadian

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five people

SKU # FP 2-2

2 adults 2 children sized jpeg.jpg

 Wholesale $152.00

 Retail        $236.00

 Prices in Canadian

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2 adults 2 children

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